Having driven by it a number of times, finally got to check out the Liberty Cafe on Blewett Pass. This small little eatery sits on the south side of the pass, near the turnoff for Liberty (naturally), and just north of the junction of US 97 and SR 970.
It’s a welcoming place and as soon as you walk in you feel very comfortable. There isn’t a lot of room if you are traveling with a big group but there is plenty of character. Don’t forget to check out the cool collection of coffee mugs too.
The important part though is the food. That’s why you’re stopping, right? They have a good looking breakfast menu and quite a few other meal options too. My son and I were road tripping and since he chose the Bacon Burger… I thought I’d join in…

…and it was awesome. The surprise star of the roadside meal though, for both of us, was the french fries. We later found out that they take pride at the Liberty Cafe in cutting their own fries fresh. You can definitely tell they’re not serving you something frozen out of a bag. It shows.
This will not be the last time we stop at the Liberty Cafe!